Another Sunday, another blog post. This week we will take a look at some of the events we’ve held and some that are coming up in the future.

First event we are going to look was our Warmachine tournament run a couple weeks ago. It was a day filled with mayhem and mangled metal. Players struggled and fought through 3 rounds of destruction throughout the day. In the end a dapper gentleman by the name of Connon used a combination of cunning and reckless violence to win the day.










Another more recent event we ran was our 40k doubles tournament. Four teams battled and in the end Adam and Bob claimed victory with their combination of Greyknights and Imperial Guard. Having played against them in that event I can say their victory is well deserved. They brought a solid plan and some skill to the game.















Events like these are our way of trying to bring the gaming community together and get everyone participating in some less than wholesome fun. We have a number of great events planned for the store and I’m going to take a minute to fill you in on some of em. Coming up on the 26 we are running a Warmachine and Hordes Tournament. Starting at 11:30 bring down two 35 point lists (From the same faction) and be ready for carnage.

Peering further into the future we will be having a War hammer doubles tournament in early march. (Specific date will be posted early next week) For this tournament 2 players for a team each with a 1000 point army. Composition rules however are a little unique. Each player must spend 25% of their 1000 points on core units. From there the two players share all the normal composition rules. So they could have 500 points of lords (25% of 2000) split between the 2 of them or one player could use all 500 himself. The same goes for special units and rare choices. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to come on down and ask me. (I’m Sparti….Nick)

It’s ALIVE! by ArGH Staff


by ArGH Staff

With that kind of an introduction your expectations should be high. (Or really low….probably on the low side) Well this is the blog, sit down and be ready for strange and rambling posts. This blog will cover topics such as gaming advice, product reviews, and community events. The first few posts will focus on Privateer Press’s best selling game Warmachine. Get ready to learn abut the game and the factions that make it interesting and entertaining.

Of Factions and WARMACHINE

For the uninformed (shame on you) Warmachine is a 30mm table top game for 2 or more players. If you ever played warhammer, or warhammer 40k the basics of the game should be familiar to you. You assemble and paint up armies of toy soldiers (or models if your sensitive about playing with small toys) and use dice to play a game. It is a fun and fast paced game that has garnered a considerable following at the shop. This post is going to focus on the factions in the game and some of the aspects that make them unique.

The first faction in the game is Cygnar. Conveniently see here .

Cygnar is the most technologically advanced of the factions in Warmachine. They bring elaborate electric weapons to the game. Storm smiths call down lightning strikes while Stormclad Warjacks use lightning powered battle blades to carve through the enemy. Cygnar’s arsenal isn’t limited to lightning based weapons and tricks. It also brings a solid selection of more conventional, but still deadly weapons to the game. Long gunners bring multi-fire rifles to add long range fire power, while Sword knights fight stoically in close combat. Any Cygnar army has access to accurate and high powered range attacks. An ideal Cygnar army should engage its opponents with long range fire power to eliminate any threats. Anything that manages to stumble through the overwhelming fire power will find rock hard close combat units ready to finish them off.

The Protectorate of Menoth is the second faction we will look at. As see here

The Protectorate of Menoth is not the most advanced faction in the game. A theocratic kingdom it lags behind the other factions in terms of technology or Warjack construction. However despite these short comings the protectorate can fight on equal terms with the other factions because the protectorates god (Menoth by name) takes a personal interest in their battles. Holy Choirs chant prayers that imbue their Warjacks with divine power and protection. Shooting attacks miss their Warjacks automatically, while magic spells roll of without causing any harm. The protectorate also excels at making every aspect of the game work for them. Played right even the death and destruction of its troops can be used to the advantage of the protectorate. Wither is be using the departing souls to power their Warjacks or allowing other units to take vengeance by attacking in the other players turn.

The nightmare empire of Cryx is the faction that embodies evil in Warmachine.  Once again as seen here

Aptly titled the Nightmare Empire brings undead abominations to the game. Endless ranks of undead thralls stand ready to fight and die (again) to further the goals of the lighlords who command them. Cyrx excels at hitting its opponents first, and hitting them hard. Cryx armies bring brutal ranged and close combat attacks. If this were not enough almost every Cryx army brings crippling and destructive magic. Many Cryx warcasters are capable of using magic to rob and cripple their opponents before delivering a fatal blow. Spells like parasite reduce the armour of enemy units, while spells like crippling grasp ruins an entire unit. Cryx armies are evil, dastardly, and hit like a runaway train. Combined with their dark magic there is little that can stand against a well organised Cryx army.

Khador is the last army this post will look at. You can look at it here.

The Khador army brings rock hard jacks and infantry to the game. From massive Warjacks that sport the highest armour in the game to ManOwar Infantry who are just small Warjacks, there is little that can stand against the armoured wall that is Khador. Everything Khador has is built to overcome and annihilate. Where Khador traditionally suffers is its lack of speed. All the heavy armour naturally slows it down. This is a small drawback however and likely the only advantage an opponent of a Khador army can count on.

Well hope that small introduction helped you better understand the factions available for Warmachine. Other blog posts will examine these factions in greater detail.

By ArGH Staff Posted in News

ArGH presents Pathfinder RPG

We will be running Pathfinder society Games

Wed : 6pm to 9pm

Sat: 12pm to 5pm

There will be a $2 Fee to help with module costs , Characters sheets, and tracking  of your character online.

Each adventure will run 2 weeks

For more info please contact us.

Nuts World war 2 Squad level skirmish

So I thought I would write a reveiw for our new blog of a new set of rules that I have tried from a company called 2 hour wargames its a set of squad level World War Two Rules first I will post the discription from there site .

Product Description

A light machine gun has part of your squad pinned down. Two of your men are wounded and screaming for help while one of your guys is “hunkered down” behind that wall and isn’t moving anytime soon. All hell’s breaking loose and everyone is looking to you for the answer. Right about now you’re wondering what the heck you’ve gotten yourself into?

Welcome to the world of “NUTS!”

NUTS! starts off in Europe ‘44 and is the first volume from Two Hour Wargames that will cover World War 2 in its entirety. All the countries, all the weapons, and all the theaters will be covered in subsequent volumes and free supplements.

NUTS! is different from other rules sets because we’ve developed NUTS! to be played solo or with all the players on the same side. Other games may say that but this game was made with this in mind yet still retains the ability to be played head to head. Now you can play with your friends and not against them! That is, unless you want to.

NUTS! generates your scenarios and provides a seamless campaign system that allows you to link them together where the results of one affects the results of the other.

Easy to learn, this elegant system is the closest thing to being on the battlefield.

I enjoyed the reaction turn system so the game always seemed to be moveing and did not feel like I was not doing somthing like some games with the you go then I go turn sequence.
I also enjoyed the fact you can play 10mm upto 28mm scale and average table size is 3′ x 3′ table so you can play on your kitchen table .
The ranges and line of sight rules work well a good example being a bolt action rifle haveing a 60″ inch range and on your standard table as long as you  can see the target you can shoot at it that does not mean you will hit the target but it does make the game feel more realistic.
I also enjoyed they made the game almost feel like a ww2 film in that you have a star who can be a heroic and lead a squad or squads and that they have charts that make your squads unique in that you might have a coward, a looter or a great athlete  or a crack shot and you as the star have to lead them and keep the bad soldiers in line and use the skilled soldiers to best effect.
Dislikes :
I think dislike might be the wrong word lol
I only had some minor things I did not like and some of these things most likely will disappear as I play more games and get use to the mechanics of the game.
I did not feel the game was that Easy to learn I have played more complicated rule sets that being said it is a ton of fun but its not a game you will play perfectly right off the bat it will take muliple games and its best to start out very small and slowly add more squads then vehicles.
 This is my very first reveiw if you have any questions about the game or sugestions for reveiws please contact the store I have posted links to some photos from our games and a link the the PDF rules .

Armouy Games & Hobbies Presents Ladies Night

Ladies Night

Tuesday December 6th, 2011

We cordially invite all the ladies to our first ever ladies night.

Learn the games and meet new friends.

From 6-9 PM

This event is a closed event so please RSVP by Friday December 2nd,2011.

(250) 596-3065

By ArGH Staff Posted in Events

Warmachine Game Day

Sunday Dec 4.

5 dollar entry fee

Bring you Warmachine and Hordes armies down on Sunday and be ready to take on all comers. Battle throughout the day with 25 point armies to earn the coveted witchfire award. Sign up instore. Pre-pay and receive a bonus point!

This is a casual event were players are free to play at their own pace. Play as many or as few games as you wish against whomever you want. (Although you may not play the same person twice in a row) Your army may be no more than 25 points in total although you may change your army between games. (IE new caster) However if you win a game you become tied to that table. You may not leave that table, you may NOT switch your army, and suffer ATTRITION.

ATTRITION: During a game if a unit is reduced to 50% or less it starts with 2 fewer models next game. If a unit is completely destroyed then it starts the game with HALF (rounding DOWN) of its normal model count.

For example, if a player wins a game but looses half of a winterguard unit (10 men) next game they would start with only 8 winterguard. If the unit is then completely destroyed the next game (and the player still wins) they would begin with only 5 models.

Solos killed begin the game with half their health gone. (Rounding DOWN)

Heavy warbeasts or warjacks destroyed begin the next game with 2 damage to each column. Only 1 damage for light warbeast or jacks.

NOTE: The attrition rules only apply to the winners. If you lose a game your army does not suffer the effects of attrition.

Winning a game earns either 2 or 3 points. 2 if you kill the enemy caster, 3 if you win by scenario. Losing a game gives 1 point.

Please phone the store (250-596-3065) or come in person to register by December 3rd.

By ArGH Staff Posted in Events

Welcome to ArGH!

In 2008, Armoury Games & Hobbies opened in Prince George, British Columbia on the corner of 5th & Dominion above the PG Sewing Centre. Three years later, ArGH has moved to the other side of the block at 1249 4th Avenue to a larger location right on the street!

This new location allows for more products and more gaming space for weekly events like Friday Night Magic, Saturday Magic: The Gathering tournaments, role playing game (RPG) sessions, board game events, and all the tabletop miniature gaming you can handle.

Want to drop dice over a battlefield full of miniatures? There is lots of competition for games such as Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warhammer 40,000, Malifaux, Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, Flames of War, Warmachine/Hordes, and so many more …

Be sure to visit this blog often for all the news and updates on store products and events.

By ArGH Staff Posted in News